Tacoma Child Photographer – Wild Hearts Farm Studio


Sweet Sister!

My first born was a boy! The cutest little boy the world had EVER seen. His arrival in January of 2009 was also the driving force behind the start of Heleyna Holmes Photography. There is a little HHP fun fact for ya!

Being a boy mom for 4.5 years was a real treat. I was a natural. Lots of trains, cars and sharks in those early years. Being a boy mom was my whole heart and I was just certain my second and final (or so I thought) would be just that – a boy!

We didn’t find out what we were having with our second child. My husband was set on it being a surprise. I went along with it- although I was pretty darn sure our August 2012 baby would be a boy.


That August baby was a GIRL!

I repeat the August baby was a girl. I was totally shocked. What was I supposed to do with a girl?

Boy/girl a baby is a baby. It wasn’t until she was two that the girly things really started to pop in to our daily lives. By that time I had the girl mom roll down and loved every minute of having one of each.


Five years after my first daughter arrived we welcomed our third baby.  Our Second sweet little August baby and our second GIRL.  That makes me 1/3 boy mom and 2/3 girl mom. Crazy!

Photographing my girls together is one of my favorite things to do. My son is nine now and is much two cool for pics with M-O-M. I bribe him hard 3/4 times a year. (He will do just about anything for a LEGO set). The girls on the other hand love to be photographed!

Tacoma Child Photographer

Today’s post features my TWO daughters (somebody pinch me) in the Wild Hearts Farm studio! The girls are sporting their matching summer shoes from our friends at See Kai Run.

Fun fact number two. All three of the kids first shoes have been from Seattle based See Kai Run. I have loved watching their company grow and it’s a real treat to photograph my girls in their latest and greatest designs. So colorful and fun!

June 27, 2018

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