Magnuson Park-Winter Mentoring Session-Seattle Washington
Today I had the pleasure of leading an educational mentoring session.
I have offered one-on-one mentoring off and on for the last four years. I am very fortunate to now call most of my past clients very dear friends. Todays group of 5 woman were people(really awesome woman) I had never met before. Scary! They were visiting from Vancouver BC specifically to shoot with ME. Extra Scary! The group emailed me early in 2014, hoping I would be willing to spend an afternoon with THEM. I agreed. I have literarily had my finger crossed for the last 10 months the the weather would cooperate. It did!
Sunshine and dare I say warm!
Here is a little peek of our afternoon together in Magnuson Park.
You may recognize the darling little girl and here bunny friend. She is my sweet Bunny Baby, Sonja Sue. Also seen HERE and HERE with her Bunnies by the Bay friends.
Thanks for taking a peek. I would love to connect with you on Facebook and Instagram too!

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Magnuson Park

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photography Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Magnuson Park

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photography Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Magnuson Park

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photography Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photography Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photogrpahy Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Photography Mentoring

Heleyna Holmes Photography-Seattle Washington
January 8, 2015