Hi, I'm Heleyna

Wild Hearts Farm co-founder.

Dog Lover & Mama.

I LOVE cake smash photo sessions. As a mother of 3 there is something magical about reaching that one year milestone in one piece. Cake is 100% in order.

How do you prepare yourself and your little one for a cake smash/milestone photo session success?

Guide for cake smash success:

#1 – Try on babies cake smash outfit ahead of time. Try standing and sitting. Make sure baby can move/crawl in her dress or test what happens if you little guy sits down in his suspender.

#2 – Bring an extra outfit for after the mess.

#3 – Leave the cake out of the fridge the night before your cake smash session. The softer the cake and frosting the easier it is for baby to dig in.

#4 – Sometimes little ones are unsure of the cake. Bringing along a familiar food to tuck in the back of the cake to help your little one get started is always a good idea. Cheerios, blueberries & yogurt melt aways all work well.

#5 – Wipes, wipes and more wipes!

Guide for cake smash success cliff notes: Cake smash outfit, after cake smash outfit, room temperature cake, familiar food/snack and wipes galore!

Whats Included:

Heleyna Holmes Photography cake smash photo sessions include 20 minutes of 1st birthday/milestone photography. This 20 minutes can be used for a family portrait update with mom/dad/siblings or focus on the birthday boy/girl.

Capturing genuine connections and interaction with your growing baby is sure to produce beautiful images you will hold tight to for many years to come!

Cake Smash Session Locations:

Magnuson Park Studio – Seattle, Washington

Cake Smash/ Milestone photo sessions can be held in my Magnuson Park studio in NE Seattle. My Magnuson Park studio is a traditntal photo studio with seamless paper and studio lighting. My Magnuson Park studio serves as a blank canvas of sorts. We can work together on art direction to dream up your cake smash session theme/details together. I love that process!

Wild Hearts Farm – Tacoma, Washington

The Farm is a great option for south sound cake smash photos session. WHF has a beautiful and warm white shiplap studio, glass house and beautiful gardens Spring – late Fall which all work well for cake smash/milestone photo sessions.

Your favorite park or your own backyard!

In the warmer Spring/Summer months cake smash sessions can be held outdoors at your favorite park, p-patch or even your own backyard. The cake smash and milestone photo session featured below was shot in the Magnuson Park P-patch. This p-patch is a little hidden treasure in NE Seattle and located across the parking lot from my studio.

You can see all three of these session types in action HERE!

Learn more & Book HERE

You can learn more and book your cake smash/milestone photo session HERE

guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
guide for cake smash success
cake smash

binge reads



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