Pretty in Pink – Wild Hearts Farm


I am in absolute LOVE with Wild Hearts Farm winter studio installation.

I remember talking through this ‘Fresh Start’ winter set with Jodall (Wild Hearts Farm owner). I think we both envisioned a clean, fresh, white studio space were the subjects (kids/families) would be the pop.

Vintage Afghan – Goodwill Find

Jodall and I were together on one of our Goodwill runs when I found this beautiful pink and white afghan. The attention to detail was gorgeous and I loved the length and overall feel of the vintage afghan. I knew it would be the perfect addition for my stylized fresh start shoot.

After shooting the fresh start promo back in November – HERE.  I was on the hunt for the perfect dress to bring the new studio installation and my afghan thrift shop treasure together.

Vintage Dress – Value Village Find

The perfect dress came along almost two full months after the afghan. I found this beautiful pop of pink at the Ballard Value Village. I LOVED the tiny pink corduroy, sheer lace and pale pink ribbon details. It was perfect.


Do you have a treasured family afghan or heirloom you would like to be the center of a ‘fresh start’ photo session? I have a day of mini and full sessions coming up on January 26th in the beautiful Wild Hearts Farm fresh start studio. You can learn more and book HERE.

January 9, 2019

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