Flower Crowns with Shaggy Purrty
It was Friday. The end of what seemed like the longest work week ever. I was gearing up for my weekend wedding when my youngest approached me with a request.
She wanted to make flower crowns.
We still had two beautiful centerpieces from Cameron & Ashley’s wedding (last weekend) hanging around. The minute she asked I quickly remembered I had made this promise to her one week earlier. But it was Friday at 3 o’clock and I was slammed. It tugged on my heart stings but I told her NO.
I answer NO more often then I would like to admit.
She was disappointed and rightfully so. To be honest I was disappointed too, working from home all summer long comes with a nice healthy serving of mommy guilt.
Well my friends this particular Friday afternoon my little lady was not taking NO for an answer.
She quickly emerged from her room with Shaggy Purrty in tow. She insisted on one flower crown for Shaggy Purrty and one for her.
Long story short we made the flower crowns and I am so glad you did.
The flower crowns took all of 15 minutes and my girl was beaming from ear to ear. Motherhood is hard, owning a small business is hard, having the kids out of school for 3 months is well…hard.
My take away from this sweet little lesson my daughter taught ME that day…
make more flower crowns!
Shaggy Purrty is a sweet little peony pink & cream kitty from our friends at Bunnies By The Bay. You can find her HERE.
August 31, 2015